
Film Chronicle

Bringing student filmmakers together

Website Redesign · Lead Product Designer · Spring 2021


This work felt personal. I grew up on movie sets with my dad doing camera work, so I felt invested to take these UX/UI designs to the next level using Figma.

The founders are young, humble film students on a mission to democratize their industry.

The website's vision was a stress-free way for students to submit films monthly, watch shorts, and network with aspiring filmmakers across the country.



Their WordPress website had little to no visitors. Users expressed distrust in the platform and felt no urge to submit films to a site that lacked clarity.

My Role

I had complete autonomy as the only designer. My final deliverables included user and market research, brand identity redesign, a style guide, and an interactive high-fidelity Figma prototype.

Business Impact

The site is live today — receiving film submissions every month, and interest from sponsors and promotions.

Meeting Film Chronicle

Group 93.jpg

Business Goals

1. Film Chronicle becomes the go-to source for all things related to student filmmakers.

2. Connect students from well-known to lesser-known schools across the country.


Design Goals

The ask was to “beautify” the website UI.

After the research feedback session, we agreed the deliverables would expand to:

  • User Experience (watch & submit)

  • Brand Identity (icons, type, color)

Site Audit

Former Website UX Audit

Existing Home.png
Existing Film Page.png
Existing Watching Film.png

 Research & Synthesis

User Interviews

Who am I designing for?

I wanted to define who would be using this site and what the future of Film Chronicle looked like.

Reaching out to family and friends who work on tv shows and movies, I was able to find 3 film students to user test and interview.

The goal was to turn their wants, needs, and frustrations into opportunity-focused “How Might We” statements.


Affinity map takeaways

“How Might We”:

  • Give students insight into who worked on a film

  • Decrease time filling out film submission forms

  • Improve filter system on film pages

  • Improve site readability and accessibility

Market Research

I conducted a competitive analysis of film websites students used. The students I interviewed showed interest in these three companies for various different reasons.

Understanding what these sites did best, common flaws, and the emotional grab was wanted to define.

Campus Movie Fest

Students felt enabled to participate in their festivals, because they offered exposure to sponsors, production companies, and, most importantly, potential film funding.

Short of the Week

Many filmmakers know this company. They don’t offer their own festivals. However, they offer a beautiful interface and experience to watch various films.


The #1 website filmmakers submit their films to. An easy submission process to every festival. It’s that simple. No experience to watch films - only submissions.

Design Process & Principles

What does my client want to communicate?

“For students to land on the website sensing professionalism with a hint of playfulness.”

Ideate, Test, Implement

After testing the wireframes with students, I learned about the cons and introduced a few user flows.

Wireframes introduced

  • Grid Layout

  • Typography

  • Interactions/User Flows

Hi-fidelity introduced

  • Color Scheme

  • Components

  • Global/Secondary Navigation


Design Principles… Can’t forget ‘em

With the combined research, I followed a set of design principles.


  • Self-explanatory UX/UI on what the user can do

  • Text, icons, and extras are accessibility


  • Design similar experiences filmmakers use on a daily basis

  • Remove any friction/uncomfortable learning situations


  • Students are unlikely to forget a negative experience

  • Always have a backup plan if problems arise

High-Fidelity Designs

Interactive Figma Prototype

The new website embraces data and trends, fueled by film students. No fluff. No pay-to-play.

The content is all coming from the collective talent of the film community. I designed the experience to let the films take the spotlight and show that Film Chronicle is the place to access them.

Results & Reflection

“You made Film Chronicle the go-to place for young filmmakers to be recognized. Absolutely beautiful!”

Sy Huq, Film Director

Let’s Reflect

What went well

  • Passion - designing for an industry you’re passionate about drives creativity

  • Accountability - being the only designer, I held myself to high standards

What could’ve been improved

  • Collaboration - there were moments I would have loved a design team to bounce ideas off

  • Digital vs. Analog - staring at a computer for hours stunts creativity




Zero-G Hackathon